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Blockchain leads to P2P energy market
HomeNewsBlockchain leads to P2P energy market

Blockchain leads to P2P energy market

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January 31st, 2023
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The creation of Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain technology has proven to be crucial in the development of further digital currencies and autonomous digital ecosystems. Blockchain technology distinguishes itself from other subpar systems of procedure by offering the much-needed trust required to record important data whilst removing concerns regarding hacking vulnerabilities through its decentralized nature.

Simply put, its structure, which allows shared and easily verifiable transactions, revolutionizes data transfers, by severely limiting, or even perhaps eliminating potential manners of data manipulation – thus offering a trustworthy environment in which people can conduct their business safely. Augmented by automated smart contracts, this framework can and is revolutionizing multiple industries.

Data transactions are also significantly improved by gaining independence from traditional centralized authorities through blockchain. Since the digital ledger is decentralized, its storage is not confined to a single physical location; rather, it can be dispersed globally, further shielding it from being tampered with.

Operating at the forefront of the renewable sector, blockchain technology is likely to become the missing link required for a better tomorrow in terms of sustainable green energy.  Having a blockchain-based informational energy infrastructure, monitored by smart meters and coordinated by smart contracts, permits both the reduction of wasteful energy practices, and cutting costs by eliminating several layers of bureaucratic costs and enabling a truly peer-to-peer system, without middlemen.

Streamlining costs leads us into how blockchain can aid prosumers – those energy consumers that also produce power. Yet again a peer-to-peer system is the ideal option, as energy produced can be kept track of precisely and cheaply – bypassing the hurdles that would otherwise make it impossible to sell to end users directly. This is especially vital for prosumers, as it means they no longer have to sell their energy in bulk to producers that traditionally have had little interest in energy produced this way, unless it is very cheaply available – making it an unattractive prospect for the growing number of grid-connected prosumers.

Energy consumers benefit as well from blockchain-enabled peer-to-peer distribution, as it allows them the freedom of selecting their supplier of choice – including prosumers. This will create endless options in terms of personal choice, including but not limited to, purchasing energy from local sources – offering cheaper power, with little to no energy transmission losses due to the short distances involved, while also fostering a closer-knit community environment. Multiple other opportunities that stem from a direct link between producer and consumers are opened up through blockchain & peer-to-peer – free enterprise will decide what sort of approaches this will lead to, however, the energy landscape is changing as a result.

A blockchain-based energy market will further open up the path to significant cost reductions for businesses that embrace the new technology, given that the peer-to-peer ecosystem created by blockchain will do away with now-superfluous parties such as energy brokers. Further trimmed costs include vastly reduced accounting expenses, by taking advantage of the permanent ledger that is a blockchain, combined with energy readings from smart meters, and utilizing smart contracts.

The aforementioned cost reductions will lower the energy invoices for consumers, whether directly or indirectly, especially in the context of the constant competition between energy companies. Even with competition driving margins down, this scenario will still lead to a profitable business opportunity for both consumers and producers alike.

Blockchain-powered smart contracts represent the future of energy network management, as evidenced by their ability to autonomously handle load balancing operations, if given the proper data in real-time by smart meters. Currently, specialized centralized hubs handle these tasks – a costly and inefficient system that is in dire need of overhaul. With the wealth of new data provided by a blockchain-augmented system, load prediction is improved, while energy storage and transfers are performed as needed – making it easier and more efficient to keep an energy system in equilibrium.

Lastly, it should be mentioned that as the demand for blockchain technologies grows worldwide, so too will the efforts to further develop and advance the technology in the near future. This will, in turn, lead to blockchain becoming more widespread and widely known as a technology and eventually a ubiquitous feature of modern technology – be it in the energy sector, or in a myriad of others that will benefit from the automation and security it promises.


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