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Six things to consider when interviewing staff
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Six things to consider when interviewing staff

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January 31st, 2023
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Interviewing staff can be tricky, especially if it’s not something that you have done a lot of in the past. It’s hard to ask the right questions that help you to ensure that you are getting a person with the right knowledge and skills for the job, while also making sure you present yourself and your company well so that they still want the job if they are offered it. All while paying attention to the candidate as a person and getting a feel for how they will fit into your company.

You might go into an interview with a list of questions that you want to ask and some ideas of what you want to say to people, only to find that once you’ve got chatting it all gets forgotten. It’s all too common to end an interview to find that you haven’t asked any of the questions that you wanted to, you didn’t tell your candidate any of the most important aspects of the job and that you genuinely don’t know if they are right for the job or not. Despite interviewing many different candidates, you can find that you are still relying on their CVs and application forms to help you make your decision.

This is a massive waste. You’re wasting your time, your interviewees time and your recruitment budget. Instead, you need to come out of interviews knowing whether you want that person working for your company or not. Here are six of the things that you need to consider when you are interviewing staff.

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Can They Do The Job?

Perhaps the most important consideration is whether or not they will be able to do the job that you are recruiting for. This isn’t always as obvious as it seems. A CV or resume can tell you whether or not they’ve got the right experience and qualifications. But, you know the job, ask yourself if you can see them in the role? If they’d be able to physically and mentally take on the challenges that you would be setting them? You also need to consider whether or not they are available to work the hours that you need, and if they can’t, is it something that you could compromise on if you think they are otherwise suited?

Will They Want the Job?

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Another biggie is whether or not they want the job. Of course, only they can give you a definitive answer on this. But, you can get a feel for their levels of interest. Do they ask questions about the position and the company? Do they seem interested in what you’ve got to say? Do they ask about the next stages of recruitment? If they don’t want the job, it might not matter if you want them.

Will They Fit in with and Improve Your Existing Team?

Getting the Questions for cultural fit right is essential. It’s not enough for them to want the job and have the skills to be able to do it. If you’ve already got a team that works well together, you don’t want to face a dip or morale, productivity or team spirit because you hire the wrong person. Trial shifts are often a useful way to get a better feel for this, but you know your staff and their personalities. Will your candidate clash with them, or compliment them?

Will They Stick Around?

The last thing that any employer wants is to hire someone and spend time training them up, for them to move on within a few months to a year. It’s just another waste of time and money and a needless adjustment for your team. Ask about their future goals and plans and try to find out more about what they want from you. Can you honestly see them sticking around and growing with your company?

Do They Answer Your Questions?

Some candidates will come in with certain things that they want you to know. Things that they feel sell them and will help them to get a job. But, that’s not necessarily what you want to hear. Ask yourself if they are actually answering your questions, or are they just talking around them to tell you what they want you to hear?

How is Their Body Language?

At this point, when you don’t really know someone, and you have a limited time together, body language is essential. Are they open and animated? Do they make eye contact, and smile when they speak? Do they seem comfortable and in control? Some nerves are to be expected, but if they seem very anxious, closed off and guarded, even after the first few minutes, are they really the right fit?


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